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Stomatological Hospital of Guizhou Medical University(SHGMU)
The stomatological hospital of Guizhou medicaluniversity(SHGMU), as a publichospital,was founded in dec.13, 2013 under the Guizhougovernment and health department. It grew out of the department ofstomotology of the affiliated hospital of the national Guiyang medicaluniversity in 1941,which was established by doctor Zhangshulin who had obtainedthe dental doctor degree ofthe Harvarddental school of The United States of American ,and graduated from the west china private dental college in 1938. The stomatological hospital(SHGMU)acts as a combined medical unit with the college and hospital of stomotology ofGuizhou medical university, meanwhile with the Stomotology association ofGuizhou province(GSA). It locates on No.9 Beijing road Guiyang city,8800 squaremeter of area of structure, and total costs about 140 million.
The stomatological hospital(SHGMU)established based on the national top level of specialized hospital. Itcontains 160 dental chairs,100 sickbed, and 6 VIP consulting room, yet 6 toplaminar flow operating room(Digital live broadcasting),dep. of anaesthesia,resuscitate, sterilize centre, oral pathology, dentalimage, dental emergency, biochemistry and clinical inspect etc. There are about9 sub-speciality in the hospital, such as endodontic disease, periodontaldisease, pediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry, oral and maxillofacialsurgery, prosthetics dentistry, orthodontics and oral implantation etc. By now,there are 2 people act as ICD china academician, 4 people as chairman ofcommittee of the Stomotology association of Guizhou province(GSA),8 people ascommittee member of china stomotology association(CSA).
With the powerful scientificresearch, clinical and education ability of Guizhou Medical University, andrelying on the overall strength of the affiliated hospital of Guizhou MedicalUniversity, Especially in medical imaging and intervention, emergency, surgery,cardiology and other related department technical force, The Stomatological hospital(SHGMU)willbuild a top class comprehensive treatmentand technology platform for maxillofacial andneck tumors, craniofacial trauma, jaw deformity treatment (orthognathicsurgery), cleft lip and palate surgery, oral mucosal diseases, orthodonticcombined with orthognathic treatment, serioustooth defect restoration, dental implant, etc. And to provide to the formationof multiple levels of oral medical service system, such as complex oraldisease, and systemic multiplesystemrelated to oral and maxillofacial diseases, oral and maxillofacial emergency,preventive oral health education, oral medicine research ,students trainingall-round oral medical service resources.
Focusing on academic exchangeand cooperation with domestic and foreign universities, research and medicalinstitutions ,The Stomatological hospital of Guizhou medical university (SHGMU)hasestablished long-term friendly and cooperative relations with the Queen Mary College of London University( QMUL), Stomatological Hospital of Beijing University, Huaxi stomatologicalhospitalof Sichuan University, Guangdong Provincial stomatological hospital of SouthernMedical University, Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, theNinth People's Hospital of Shanghai traffic university,etc.